The Billionaires' latest album, Let's Get A CEO to Run The Show is 14 songs in a variety of styles about the pressing issues of the day: Super-Pacs, Union Busting,
Insurance Company Profiteering, Frankenfoods, Oil Drilling, and the Election, all told from the point of view of the 1% of the 1%!
Here's a taste:
"President For The One Percent" and another: "Super Pac" You can by a digital download of Let's Get A CEO to Run The Show for the low-low price of $10 and in doing so, help us to continue producing very funny songs about deadly serious issues. For an additional $20, you can get you a digital download of our Billionaires Fun-Pak. The Fun-Pak includes our new album, Let's Get A CEO to Run The Show - chock full of songs that are particularly pertinent at this very instant, but it also includes our 3 previous albums, Here Come The Billionaires (2001), The Billionaires Are In The House (2004), and Stay The Course (2008). And as a special bonus, we're throwing in our Wealthcare Anthems EP as well. Each album comes with a pdf of the liner notes with the song credits and lyrics so you can sing along with us.